These days you can do anything from a phone app. One of the most interesting ones I found are exercise and wellness ones. So why not do something better for your health? For us veterans, several applications have been created that can help our physical and mental health. They help us control our anxiety, recommend […]
Counseling in Combination with Integrative Medicine
“Life is not merely physical, it is a force of energy.” –Rev. Ellen Debenport I have worked as a staff therapist at Samaritan Center since August 2011. One of the main benefits of my employment at the Center has been my personal and professional experiences in accessing our Integrative Medicine (IM) program. IM includes Acupuncture, […]
Dispatch from the Integrative Medicine Department at the Samaritan Center
We are now in who-knows-what week of the COVID-19 pandemic, and since deciding to move all Samaritan Center services online, every single one of us has had to adapt to the challenges and gifts of telehealth. We in the Integrative Medicine (IM) Department have had a particularly challenging challenge: How DO We Provide Acupuncture Treatments […]
Holding Space
This year has brought overwhelming challenges to us as individuals, to our communities, and to our country. We are experiencing isolation due to a pandemic and uncertainty from a highly charged political environment. In addition, we are currently experiencing a global social movement with images on the news, heartfelt messages from families and loved ones, […]
Our Commitment
We extend our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims whose lives have been tragically lost. Our community, our country, our whole world, is suffering with feelings of frustration, sadness, anger and fear and a host of other feelings, and Samaritan Center shares that pain. As our staff processes feelings around […]