El biofeedback basado en la variación del ritmo cardíaco (HRV) utiliza herramientas científicas para controlar el estrés y la ansiedad. Además, ayuda a reaccionar de manera más apta y tranquila ante los eventos estresantes grandes y pequeños de la vida, También, mejora el equilibrio emocional, la claridad mental y la resiliencia. El ejército de los […]
Dispatch from the Integrative Medicine Department at the Samaritan Center
We are now in who-knows-what week of the COVID-19 pandemic, and since deciding to move all Samaritan Center services online, every single one of us has had to adapt to the challenges and gifts of telehealth. We in the Integrative Medicine (IM) Department have had a particularly challenging challenge: How DO We Provide Acupuncture Treatments […]
The Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Yoga
Keep Calm and Say OM This is a guest post by Lina Garcia, a Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Instructor. How do you perceive yoga? Do you visualize daring poses on Instagram posted by slender teenagers in colorful yoga pants? The truth is, the beginnings of Yoga are traced to over 5,000 years ago in Northern India, […]